Berube Timeline and Maps

Berube Timeline


1803 - Louis (son of Henri and Charlotte Comtois) born

1808 - Marie Céleste (daughter of Henri and Charloote Comtois) born


A: St. Andre     B: Carleton       C: Maria
1831 – Louis (son of Henri and Charlotte Comtois) marries Mathilde Gagnon

1832 – Louis born (Louis & Mathilde Gagnon)
         - Louis dies at one month of age

1833 – Guillaume born (Louis & Mathilde Gagnon)
         - Henry (husband of Charlotte Comtois) dies at age 53

1835 – Caroline born (Louis & Mathilde Gagnon)

1837 - Augule (son of Louis and Martine Gagnon) born

1840 - Louis (son of Louis and Martine Gagnon) born

1841 - Jeremie (son of Louis and Martina Gagnon) born


1846 – Alfred Berube born (Louis & Mathilde Gagnon)

1848 - Jean Théophile (son of Louis and Mathilde Gagnon) died

1849 - Marie Clémentine (daughter of Louis and Mathilde Gagnon) born

1861 - Louis (son of Louis and Mathilde Gagnon) marries Philomene Massé

1862 - Fabien (son of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1863 - Guillaume Cleophore (sone of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1864 – Caroline (daughter of Louis and Mathile Gagnon) marries Nicholas Mercier

1865 - Marie (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1867 - Joseph (son of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1869 – Mathilde (wife of Louis) dies at age 59
         - Marie Julienne (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) born and died

1870 - Marie Emoralis (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1871 – Louis (husband of Mathilde Gagnon) dies at age 62
A:Carleton B:Maria C:Bathurst D:Chatham, NB E: Dalhousie F:Campbellton, NB
- Alfred (son of Louis and Mathilde Gagnon) marries Emilie Ferland

1872 - Marie Lucie (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1873 – Marie Lucie (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) dies
          - Clementine (daughter of Louis and Mathilde Gagnon) marries Joseph Mercier
          - Marie Mathilde (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) born
          - Anonymous (son of Joseph Mercier and Clementine) dies

1874 - Emilie (daughter of Alfred and Emilie Ferland) born

1875 - Marie Louise (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1876 - Marguerite (Maggie) (daughter of Alfred and Emilie Ferland) born

1877 - Joseph Israel (son of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1878 – Charles (son of Alfred and Emilie Ferland) born
          - Theophile (son of Louis and Mathilde Gagnon) marries Elizabeth Mercier
          - Marie Mathilde (daughter of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born

1879 - Marie Justine (daughter of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born

1880 - Joseph Octave (son of Louis and Philomene Massé) born
         - Marie Justine (daughter of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) dies

1881 - Virginie (daughter of Alfred and Emilie Ferland) born
         - Joseph Théophile (son of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born

1882 - Marie-Anne (daughter of Alfred and Emilie Ferland) born
         - Joseph Théophile (son of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) dies
         - Justine (daughter of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born
         - Anonymous (son of Louis and Philomene Massé) born and dies

1883 - Joseph Francis (son of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born and dies
         - Marie Diane (daughter of Louis and Philomene Massé) born

1884 - Caroline (daughter of Louis and Mathilde Gagnon) dies
         - Fancis Xavier (son of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born and dies

1885 - William (son of Alfred and Emilie Ferland) born
         - Joseph Théophile (son of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born

1886 - Marie Aglai (daughter of Théophile and Elizabeth Mercier) born

1887 - Lydia (daughter of Alfred and Emilie Ferland) born

1904 – Clementine dies at age 54


1888 – Bernadette born (Alfred & Emilie Ferland)


1890 - Berube family immigrates to the US

A: Campbellton, NB   B: Salem, MA   C: Fall River, MA   D: Woonsocket, RI
Fall River, MA

 1896 – Yvonne and Paul born (Alfred & Emilie Ferland)

1900 – Alfred Berube family living in Fall River


1892 – Elizabeth born (Alfred & Emilie Ferland)

1894 – Therese born (Alfred & Emilie Ferland)

1905 -  Emilie marries Frederick Pariseau

1912 – Alfred dies at age 66

1913 - William marries Marie Cormier

1914 – Lionel born (William & Marie Cormier)

1915 – Bernadette born (William & Marie Cormier)

1918 – Jeannette born (William & Marie Cormier)

1919 – William becomes a US citizen

1920 – Aurore born (William & Marie Cormier)

1929 – Emilie dies

1931 – Alice marries Arthur Eugene Rouleau

1937 – Lionel marries Therese Menard

1938 – William dies at age 53
-          Jeannette enters the convent of the Sisters of the Presentation

1939 – Bernadette marries Raymond Duquette

1940 – Marguerite dies (in NH)

1945 – Jeannette marries Ernest Menard

1946 – Aurore marries Myron Kiczak

1952 – Virginie dies (in N. Smithfield, RI)

1953 – Emilie (Pariseau) dies at age 78

1956 - Lydia dies at age 69 (in Baie St-Paul, Quebec)

1962 – Charles Alfred dies at the age of 84  (in Worcester, MA)

1963 – Marie-Anne dies

1970 – Lionel dies

1972 – Elizabeth dies

1980 – Therese dies at age 85 (in Quebec)

1983 – Marie (Cormier) dies

2009 – Jeannette dies at age 92 (In N. Smithfield RI)

2010 – Bernadette dies at age 94

2011 – Aurore dies

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